Fraud Alert

In recent weeks, we've unfortunately witnessed some of our members falling victim to cunning fraudsters. Two prevalent scams have emerged, and it's crucial to stay vigilant and informed to protect yourself and your loved ones.

1 Impersonating Law Enforcement: Scammers are posing as law enforcement officials, claiming there's a warrant for your arrest due to missed jury duty or alleging a loved one's imprisonment. They demand hefty payments (often $5,000) to 'resolve' the issue. Remember, legitimate authorities won't ask for money over the phone!

2 Deceptive Home Repair Scams: Fraudsters are persuading members to withdraw large sums of cash (exceeding $10,000) for supposed home repairs. Shockingly, they coerce victims into converting the cash into bitcoin, playing on fears and urgency. Don't fall for this ploy!

Stay sharp, stay cautious, and spread awareness within your community. If something feels off or too good to be true, pause and verify before taking any action. Together, we can thwart these scammers and safeguard our financial well-being. 

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